Latest Travel Information about Nepal

  • Jul 29, 2020
  • Rajan Dahal
  • 1932

Year 2020 has been an unusual and distressing fighting with Corona virus pandemic and Nepal has been also effected with it. But we’re happy to announce that we’re getting back to what we do best: leading amazing vacations! After few months of tireless work by our team and partners now we are back to our daily work.

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Looking to the rest of the summer, we’ll soon be resuming trips in more destinations where we can adventure responsibly and in compliance with local regulations. For a sampling of where we’re going this summer and fall, read on—we’d love to have you join us! Be sure to visit for our details of the every trip.

All the flight was suspended from March 24th, 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, Nepal Government officially announced all suspended domestic and international airline services will resume starting August 17th, 2020. The government has also allowed hotels and restaurants as well as trekking and mountaineering activities to open from July 30th. The Nepal Government imposed some travel protocol like to have a medical certificate, social distancing and wear mask while traveling Nepal. Upper Mustang and Manaslu trekking area has zero Corona Virus active cases. So, tourists are freely can explore.

After the few month national wide lockdown, we are back to our normal activities and happy to offer our Trekking and tour package throughout the country. More than 350,000/ people lose their jobs due to the pandemic. Now everybody is happy to get back their jobs.

We hope the world pandemic will ends soon and life back to normal and plan to visit beautiful places like Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit Trek and Manaslu circuit as well as Upper Mustang trekking in Nepal.